Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Victorian Flower Dictionary: The Language of Flowers Companion Kindle Edition

A Victorian Flower Dictionary: The Language of Flowers Companion Kindle Edition
Author: Visit ‘s Mandy Kirkby Page ID: B0054KO4XK

File Size: 2531 KBPrint Length: 187 pagesPublisher: Ballantine Books (September 20, 2011)Publication Date: September 20, 2011 Sold by: Random House LLC Language: EnglishID: B0054KO4XKText-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not EnabledLending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #444,072 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #23 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Biological Sciences > Plants > Flowers #31 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Flower Arranging #58 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Gardening & Horticulture > Flowers
I recently finished reading Vanessa Diffenbaugh’s novel "The Language of Flowers." The plot is both complicated and simplistic: a young girl who has been raised in the foster care system is crippled emotionally by repeated rejections. She pronounces herself an unloveable throw-away that has little hope of sustaining any type of meaningful relationship. Her love of all things floral affords her the ability to use flowers to communicate in an almost metaphysical code that finds root within the hearts and desires of the men and women to whom she sells her blooms. Like Tilo in The Mistress of Spices: A Novel, Victoria understands what her patients need but cannot help herself. Throughout the story, she uses flowers to speak for her and eventually compiles a compendium of flower photographs with their meanings. In "A Victorian Flower Dictionary," Mandy Kirkby presents a book of fifty flowers, complete with colored drawings of each bloom, the emotion it is meant to convey and a blurb that includes information about the plant itself and its citations in literature. In an appendix, she includes Vanessa Diffenbaugh’s dictionary as compiled by Victoria, the fictional narrator of "The Language of Flowers." In as much as the book is nicely arranged as a sort of floral Wiki, I wonder how much of the language of flowers is subjective to the author of the dictionary.

In Samantha Gray’s volume of the same theme and purpose, "
Download A Victorian Flower Dictionary: The Language of Flowers Companion Kindle Edition PDF


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Social PDF Free Download

Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect Hardcover – October 8, 2013
Author: Visit ‘s Matthew D. Lieberman Page ID: 0307889092

From Publishers Weekly

It seems natural that when a person is rewarded with a cash prize there is intense activity in the pleasure centers of his or her brain. But why do we experience neurally identical pleasure when giving away money? Why is the emotional pain of being left out of a game of catch identical to that of physical injury? Using the latest research in neuroscience, Lieberman, an award-winning social psychologist, shows readers how their brains may be wired, first and foremost, to harmonize and connect with others, rather than simply to act in their own interests. With the help of new functional MRI technology, Lieberman explores the surprising new science of social interaction, investigating how our perceptions of others affect our cognition and, even more elementally, how social interaction and its absence can produce the same mental responses as physical pain and pleasure, as well as what that fact might mean about the evolution of the brain. Lieberman’s findings are convincing: over the course of their evolution, humans have developed sophisticated means of responding to group challenges and the norms of altruism and cohesion have become ingrained in neural biology. The end of the book outlines how to integrate social cognition into teaching and management. Social is a far-ranging and sometimes long-winded introduction to how humans think together. Agent: Max Brockman, Brockman Inc. (Oct.)

From Booklist

Do we really know what drives us? Compelling evidence is emerging that shows that, more than money or other extrinsic incentives, the human brain gets a hefty reward by forging connections with others. That evidence, much of it uncovered by Lieberman, a pioneer of social cognitive neuroscience, is presented in a collegial manner in this often-surprising account. He contends that the human brain has been primed by evolution to view the world in social terms. With the details from study after study, many of them based on imaging scans that examine activity in certain parts of the brain, Lieberman’s book is perfect for Malcolm Gladwell fans who want to delve much deeper into the biology behind our social abilities. The investigations reveal the impressive social abilities we hold, often unappreciated but noticeable when lacking in others, and so ingrained they may influence our very sense of self. The book provides anecdotes and insights sure to be shared with others because, after all, we’re social creatures. –Bridget Thoreson

See all Editorial Reviews

Hardcover: 384 pagesPublisher: Crown; 1St Edition edition (October 8, 2013)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0307889092ISBN-13: 978-0307889096 Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 1.3 x 8.5 inches Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds Best Sellers Rank: #65,390 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #138 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > Neuropsychology #183 in Books > Medical Books > Psychology > Social Psychology & Interactions #199 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Neuropsychology
"Social: Why Our Brains are Wired to Connect," by Matthew Lieberman, is an outstanding and fascinating layperson’s guide to the new field of social cognitive neuroscience–an interdisciplinary field that "uses the tools of neuroscience to study the mental mechanisms that create, frame, regulate, and respond to our experience of the social world." In the process of investigating these mechanisms, this science advances our knowledge of the evolutionary path that continue to mold our social brain. The book seeks to answer: why are we wired to connect socially; what advantages did our species gain by evolving along this evolutionary path; how can we use this knowledge to improve society?

This is the perhaps the fifth layperson’s guide to neuroscience that I’ve read in the past few years. Not all have been easy or pleasurable to read. Much of neurology seems inherently difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. It the right hands it can be accessible and mesmerizing. In my estimation, this book compares very well to last year’s bestselling neuroscience book by V. S. Ramachandran entitled, "The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human." If you are not familiar with Ramachandran, saying this is high praise for Lieberman and this book. After all, Ramachandran is considered one of the leading lights of the academic neuroscience community. He is also a profoundly gifted writer. Lieberman is not far behind; like Ramachandran, he shows an extraordinary ability to convey difficult concepts clearly and personably.

I’ve always loved psychology.
The author sets out to tell us that human brains have evolved to weigh social considerations, our interactions with other people, far more heavily than we realize. Unfortunately, he chooses to accomplish this by telling us we never had any idea that they were important at all. Everyone knows social factors matter. Even when you’re fed up with everyone and just want to be left alone to read a book or play with your toys, you rely on others to write the book or make the toys. And you always rely on others for food, protection, healthcare, hey, for existence–even if you care nothing for love, companionship, stimulation and other pure social joys. On the flip side, interactions with people can be deadly, so you have to care. There may be a few hermits who live solitary and self-sufficient lives, but everyone knows they are both rare and weird.

This is not a single annoying sentence at the beginning of the book, it is pounded home every few pages. For example, "People often talk as if their company, job, or workplace is solely about getting a paycheck and helping the company increase profits. This is all predicated on the norm of self-interest–the belief that material self-interest is the only thing that motivates people individually and corporately. We have been bombarded with this idea for so long that it’s the only conversation we know how to have about the workplace." Huh? Someone may be following the author around bombarding him, but I have seldom heard that idea expressed. Read any book, watch any movie or TV show, and you see it’s about people pursuing goals with respect to other people: love, sex, respect, kindness, fear and lots of other stuff. Most organizations are not for-profit corporations, they have explicit social goals and often no material ones.
Let me say up front that I enjoyed this book, but I had some issues with it. Let me say what I did *not* like first, and then what I did.

The title ends "Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect," leading the reader to expect this book to be largely about evolutionary psychology — explaining *why* the brain does what it does requires investigating the adaptive value of brain features over the history of humans and beyond. That is absolutely *not* what this book is about. Just striking the word "Why" from the title would make it much more appropriate to the book’s actual content.

In fact, there were places where I thought the author *should* have dived into the evolutionary mechanics but did not. For example, in the discussion about altruism there was nothing about the fact that altruism is perfectly explained when you stop focusing on individuals as the unit of selection and correctly focus on the genes themselves. No mention of Tit-for-Tat and related strategies, ESSes, or anything of the sort. In fact the author seemed to imply that explanations from other quarters got it wrong, and the book was setting the record straight. Hmmm. In another section the author talked about our social wiring as though it had evolved for the good of the species, but again, evolution operates primarily at the level of genes, not species. A gene or gene combination that makes an organism more successful at reproducing will increase in frequency in a population, that’s all — evolution is not a mystic hand trying to make a better species. A for-the-good-of-the-species argument is not a good one.

The margins of my copy of the book are filled with notes, many of which are objections to conclusions drawn or the way something was presented.
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Download Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect – October 8, 2013 PDF Free Download


Friday, September 30, 2016

Soccer iQ: Things That Smart Players Do Kindle Edition PDF

Soccer iQ: Things That Smart Players Do Kindle Edition
Author: Visit ‘s Dan Blank Page ID: B00ITD6L3A

File Size: 1055 KBPrint Length: 133 pagesPublisher: SoccerPoet LLC (March 5, 2014)Publication Date: March 5, 2014 Sold by:  Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00ITD6L3AText-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not EnabledLending: Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #21,151 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Sports > Coaching > Soccer #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Sports > Soccer #5 in Books > Sports & Outdoors > Coaching > Soccer

This book is well written and contains practical soccer best practices for a player. The author breaks down common tactical situations and provides meaningful advice for them. These situations might be described as patterns of play at the individual level. I recommend this book to players at a U13 level or higher.

I’ve been coaching for many years both Boys and Girls teams. As a coach I always feel that there is something else I should have pointed out to my players, but lacked the insight and or words to convey it to my players. I feel that Dan has touched on many of the "Soccer Problems" that occur in a game but are never addressed by the coach. In each chapter you will find a common soccer problem addressed and dealt with with insight and humor! Like the other reviews I too plan on getting this book for each of my assistant coaches and players. Thanks for taking the time to write this book Dan.

I have coached at all levels – from pee wees to the pros, from high school to premier club, and this is, without a doubt, the BEST book I have read regarding soccer. I purchased enough books for each player on my U16 Premier Boys Team to read. I then created a 100 question test on the book which we made mandatory for each player. This common sense book has never been created until now. All the scenarios we go through as players and coaches in games, but never broke down, are here in print. I have read it several times now, and we have incorporated numerous pieces of this book into our training sessions. As a coach, I always strive to find any edge I can get over our opponents. This is the edge! It has already helped us go to the next level! Buy it and make it recommended reading for your players. You won’t be disappointed!
Download Soccer iQ: Things That Smart Players Do Kindle Edition PDF


Sunday, September 18, 2016

An Appeal To Heaven: What Would Happen If We Did It Again Kindle Edition

An Appeal To Heaven: What Would Happen If We Did It Again Kindle Edition
Author: Dutch Sheets ID: B00XW8JVD4

File Size: 2080 KBPrint Length: 102 pagesPublisher: Dutch Sheets Ministries (May 18, 2015)Publication Date: May 18, 2015 Sold by:  Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00XW8JVD4Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not EnabledLending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #30,422 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #17 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Americas > United States > Revolution & Founding #24 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Religion > Christianity > Biblical History & Culture #43 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Churches & Church Leadership

After having emigrated from a country where most people have lost hope for their children’s futures, my family and I started hoping again, dreaming again here in the USA. Over the past 25 years we have learned just about everything about this country’s incredible history, but seeing how this nation, too, has recently been plunging itself headlong into destruction, has at times rolled us a heavy despair over us. Not again, not again. BUT! God is not finished yet! In fact, there is more hope for this beautiful land right now than at any time in history! Through a series of “Only-God-can-tell-this-story’s-end” revelations, this book gives us all hope that we can participate in the “Writing of God’s Story in America.” YOU have a place, today, together with thousands of voices from the past, to bring about what God said He wanted to do and has not yet finished here. Let us sons complete what the fathers started!

When I first heard the storyline of Dutch Sheet’s An Appeal to Heaven I could feel the whirlwind of God all around it and I said, "This could put a million people on the Mall to pray for a Third Great Awakening in America." It’s an amazing message of hope. God still has an answer when the church has an appeal.

Best-selling author Dutch Sheets has written a new book with a doubt-shattering history-changing message for America. In this latest work, "An Appeal to Heaven", Dutch gives us the missing key to seeing transforming revival spread across our land.

In true Dutch Sheets’ faith-building style, he delivers a biblical theology that removes all doubt that our Heavenly Father stands ready and willing to heal this nation… Our Faithful God has a proven history of showing up in the darkest places just in time to turn things around.

"An Appeal to Heaven" is mobilizing the body of Christ world wide to pray with ONE VOICE and passionate faith that God will “Arise and Shine” through His people in this nation once again. It will release you to pray at a whole new level of assurance that God is hearing and answering our prayers for another Great Awakening in America.

Hal and Cheryl Sacks, Co-Founders
BridgeBuilders Int’l Leadership Network
Phoenix, Arizona
Download An Appeal To Heaven: What Would Happen If We Did It Again Kindle Edition PDF Free Download


Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Step Toward Falling – October 6, 2015

A Step Toward Falling Hardcover – October 6, 2015
Author: Cammie McGovern ID: 006227113X


“Praise for A STEP TOWARD FALLING: Without evading or sugarcoating difficult topics, McGovern shows that disabled and able aren’t binary states but part of a continuum—a human one.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review))

“Told in alternating sections of Emily’s and Belinda’s voices, this book explores how even good people can fail morally. Belinda is written thoughtfully and respectfully. She has a distinct voice that reflects her cognitive disabilities but without condescension. Highly recommended for realistic fiction collections.” (School Library Journal (starred review))

“Through alternating chapters, Emily comes to understand her inaction, prejudices, and failings, and Belinda learns to face her fears, find her voice, and take charge of her future. McGovern’s ample experience with special needs youth is evident, as it allows this unique story shine from within.” (ALA Booklist (starred review))

“Alternating viewpoints illustrate how braving the uncertainty of relationships, expectations, and life after high school transcends class or ability. The sensitive overview of tough issues gracefully balances romance with reality. Fans of Jane Austen will appreciate this unconventional homage.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“Belinda’s voice is perfectly pitched: it’s clear that she’s thought her world through on her own terms. By including a wide variety of distinct characters, the novel shows that the presence or absence of a disability is just one of many aspects of who a person is.” (The Horn Book)

“So much love for this wise and powerful book. Most of all for Belinda—a girl with a cognitive disability who shows how full a life can be, and who loves Pride and Prejudice and Colin Firth as much as we do. For fans of Jennifer Niven and Jandy Nelson.” (Justine Magazine)

“This book might lead to an interesting discussion about responsibility, about standing up for someone, about doing the right thing.” (Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA))

McGovern uses her experience working with youth with special needs to illuminate the everyday thought processes and internal lives of young adults who function differently in society. She gives readers characters, not archetypes. It’s a poignant, warm, compelling book that insists that mistakes and redemption can go hand in hand. (The Globe and Mail)

Praise for SAY WHAT YOU WILL:“This is a book to read, savor, and pass on and on until it has gone around the world twice.” (Ron Koertge, author of Stoner & Spaz)

“A unique and unforgettable love.” (Teen Vogue)

“Exhilarating and heartrending.This novel is stunning.” (ALA Booklist (starred review))

“Readers will be surprised, moved, amused, worried, hopeful, and grateful.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review))

“McGovern’s triumph is how well she normalizes and highlights the variety of disability experiences among teens and their often circuitous journeys toward claiming their voices and right to self-determination. Ultimately, a deeply engaging and rewarding story.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“A beautifully written story about two teens who find each other in spite of what might seem like insurmountable problems.” ( (5 star review))

“It’s a little bit ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower,’ a little bit ‘Eleanor & Park’ and a lot of something else entirely. A young adult book with grown-up lessons.” (Metro US)

“Wonder meets Eleanor and Park in this authentic romance with beautifully crafted characters.” (

From the Back Cover

Sometimes one mistake can change everything.
Emily doesn't know why she froze. Or why Lucas did too. Afterward, she thought of different ways to rationalize it. But the truth is, they could have helped Belinda, and they didn't. It's a mistake they'll both have to live with.

Sometimes doing nothing is the only way to cope.
Belinda doesn't want to talk about what happened. Because when she does, it feels like it's happening all over again.

Sometimes good can come from bad.
Emily and Lucas's punishment is community service at a center for people with disabilities. People like Belinda. Soon they feel like maybe they're starting to make a real difference. Like they would be able to do the right thing if they could do that night all over again. Like they could help not only those at the center but also each other.

But when Belinda returns to school, Emily and Lucas have to figure out if they can do anything that will actually help the one person they hurt most.

See all Editorial Reviews

Hardcover: 368 pagesPublisher: HarperTeen (October 6, 2015)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 006227113XISBN-13: 978-0062271136 Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1.2 x 8.2 inches Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) Best Sellers Rank: #77,608 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #16 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Social & Family Issues > Special Needs #62 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Social & Family Issues > Values & Virtues #553 in Books > Teens > Romance > Contemporary
First, I would like to thank HarperTeen for sending me an ARC of this book to review.

Have you read Pride and Prejudice? If you haven’t, then you should. I mention this because it plays an important role in this novel. Not that you have to have read it to understand A Step Toward Falling, but I think Austen’s original title – First Impressions – is particularly relevant here. It’s also a wonderful read.

This is not just about learning to do the right thing. It’s about learning to get to know people. Not judging them by what they look like at a first glance. And it succeeds wonderfully.

I loved this book. I loved all of the parallels to Pride and Prejudice (one of my all-time favorites), I loved the characters, I loved the story, I loved how much diversity there was without it seeming like things were just thrown in for the sake of diversity. It’s a book about people with disabilities. And it’s a book about highschoolers.

A Step Toward Falling poses a very important question. If you saw someone getting attacked, what would you do? Would you freeze up? Would you go fight the attacker? Would you run and get help? I honestly can’t answer this question. I want to say that I would run and get help. But that is what I want to say. Because the reality is this: I would likely be so afraid that I would freeze. And that is what happens with Emily and Lucas here when they see Belinda being attacked. They just freeze up.

The characters are wonderful. Belinda started out as a bit odd. But after a bit, I figured her out. Yes, she’s odd. But it’s part of her charm. It’s part of who she is. Emily and Lucas are so guilt-ridden that they don’t even complain about their punishment for failing to help Belinda.
Download A Step Toward Falling – October 6, 2015 PDF


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas Kindle Edition PDF Free Download

Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas (Color Atlas of Anatomy a Photographic Study of the Human Body) [Print Replica] Kindle Edition
Author: Visit ‘s Johannes W. Rohen Page ID: B00T8GX2YI

File Size: 147294 KBPrint Length: 560 pagesSimultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limitsPublisher: Wolters Kluwer Health; 8 edition (January 30, 2015)Publication Date: January 30, 2015 Sold by:  Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00T8GX2YIText-to-Speech: Not enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not EnabledLending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #112,290 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Medical eBooks > Dentistry > Dental Assisting #7 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Medical eBooks > Allied Health Professions > Medical Assistants #12 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Medical eBooks > Allied Health Professions > Physical Therapy

I definitely recommend this atlas while studying anatomy in great detail. It is absolutely great for the muscles, however, it is a tad difficult to study the bones and bony markings using this. The bony markings/bones were just not organized in a manner that makes it easy to study. I preferred to use the Essential Anatomy 5 app on my Iphone for these because of this reason. For the muscles, nerves, and vasculature I used a combination of the app and this atlas which really prepared me for my anatomy exams and helped to solidify my learning experience. The atlas provides photography of real cadavers which helps you to examine what it will look like during an exam! Overall it was very helpful during my anatomy class!

I can definitely say this book has been a lifesaver! The photographs are incredibly detailed and it’s super helpful since tests/practicals are based on real bones and cadavers not diagrams. Most other atlases are great but it’s much easier to visualize the info with these photographs. It’s pretty expensive to buy this textbook, so I just rented it from , which is a great deal for a student budget.

Imp for every medschool student

Anatomy A Photographic Atlas Color Atlas of Anatomy Anatomy A Photographic Atlas Color Atlas of Anatomy a Photographic Study of the Human Body 9781451193183 Medicine Health Science Books Amazon comColor Atlas of Anatomy A Photographic Study of the Human Color Atlas of Anatomy A Photographic Study of the Human Body Color Atlas of Anatomy a Photographic Study of the Human Body Kindle EditionColor Atlas of Anatomy A Photographic Study of the Human This Color Atlas of Anatomy features full color photographs of A Photographic Study of the Human Body This edition has additional

Download Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas Kindle Edition PDF Free Download


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Post-Human Series Books 1-4 Kindle Edition

Post-Human Series Books 1-4 Kindle Edition
Author: Visit ‘s David Simpson Page ID: B00H0D5NTI

File Size: 6645 KBPrint Length: 805 pagesSimultaneous Device Usage: UnlimitedPublisher: Post-Human Media (July 20, 2014)Publication Date: July 20, 2014 Sold by:  Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00H0D5NTIText-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Enabled Word Wise: EnabledLending: Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #805 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Anthologies & Short Stories #1 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Anthologies #3 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Cyberpunk

David Simpson has created a masterpiece, a view into one possible new and frightening world. Mankind has sent itself on a path that could mean the end of human life, as in our quest for an easier life. Long talked about and feared by many, Artificial Intelligence has become a real and "living" thing.

Wow. Take this amazing trip through a future world. Artificial Intelligence know controls what the world has become

Books one through three lead you on an unforgettable journey through the future, with a cast of characters that grab you and make everything you thought impossible seem real.

Everything changes as life on Earth is almost destroyed. What is left is controlled and hunted by what man has created an Artificial Intelligence. One that grows stronger, more powerful and becomes evil and self sustaining.

Our heroes are locked in a battle to save life and the world. They travel to a new world attempting to find a way to defeat the powerful destructive AI.

As you follow the many twists and turns one man, James becomes what appears to be the only hope left for the human race; or what is left to save.

Then book four appears to be completely unrelated, going in a totally new direction. As you become engrossed in a new plot and wonder what is are suddenly blindsided.

You discover how the AI was developed and the entire series becomes clear. How very tricky, of David Simpson.

Can not wait for book five, it is sure to be another "can’t put down" page turner.

I read them individually, not in this set.
Avoiding all the verbiage, any sci-fi fans should take serious note of this author. His thinking is out of the box, his writing cohesive and entertaining, and above all, he expands your mind. Buy ’em all :)))

What an incredible opportunity! These books would make any sci-fi lover happy. I read each one of these individually as they were published and was surprised how my expectations were exceeded each time. Get these books while they are free, but definitely worth paying for if you miss this special offer.

Like Star Wars, the books weren’t written in order, but no problem there. Read them in the published order like me or read them in chronological order. I think either way works out fine.

The first book I read from David was "The God Killers" because I liked the title and I’ve been hooked ever since. Love the brand new cover. Just patiently waiting now for his next book. I’ll read anything he writes.

Just realized he has a fifth book in the Post-Human series ready for pre-order called "Inhuman" and due out April 27.

Oh goody!

David is a great writer and a nice person. Catch him on Twitter and get these books. I guarantee they will keep you happily reading for a while.

Amazon com Post Human Series Books 1 4 eBook Post Human Series Books 1 4 Kindle edition by David Simpson Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use Post Human Series Books 1 4 Kindle Edition Post Human Series Books 1 4 Kindle edition by David Simpson Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks Post Human Series Books 1 4 Kindle Edition Start reading Post Human Series Books 1 4 on your Kindle in under a minute Post Human Series Books 1 4 Kindle Edition 5 0 out of 5 stars post human books Post Human Series Books 1 4 Kindle Edition Post Human Series Books 1 4 eBook David Simpson Amazon in Kindle Store Amazon Kindle Store Go Shop by Category

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Upward Spiral PDF Free Download

The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time MP3 CD – Audiobook, MP3 Audio, Unabridged
Author: Visit ‘s Alex Korb PhD. Page ID: 150121733X


“Alex Korb’s The Upward Spiral is a masterful account of the neuroscience behind depression, as well as of concrete steps that will lead to an ‘upward spiral’ out of depression. Korb explains neuroscience in a clear and accessible way, and shows how various brain malfunctions lead to different symptoms of depression. … Throughout the [book], Korb circles back to some of his own experiences, making his account all the more powerful and real. This book is a must-read for those who struggle with depression and want some guidance on how to understand and manage it—as well as for therapists who want to learn more about the neuroscience of depression and its treatment.”
Elyn Saks, Orrin B. Evans Professor of law, psychology, psychiatry, and the behavioral sciences at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law, and author of The Center Cannot Hold
“Alex Korb’s The Upward Spiral is a clear and engaging explanation of the neuroscience behind depression. Korb sheds light on this mysterious and often misunderstood disorder, and, in the process, enlightens the reader about the basics of the brain and how it shapes—and is shaped by—our moods, motivations, decisions, and actions.”
—Anson Dorrance, head coach of the UNC-Chapel Hill Women’s Soccer team and coauthor of The Vision of a Champion
The Upward Spiral presents an engaging, accessible, and informative synthesis of the current thinking on depression and its treatment. A cohesive neuroscience perspective is skillfully interwoven with a practical guide to strategies that can both attenuate pathological negative moods, as well as enhance emotional well-being across the clinical spectrum.” 
—Helen S. Mayberg, professor of psychiatry in neurology and radiology, and Dorothy C. Fuqua Chair in psychiatric neuroimaging and therapeutics at Emory University School of Medicine

–This text refers to the Paperback edition.

About the Author

Alex Korb, PhD, is a neuroscientist in the department of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.

MP3 CDPublisher: Brilliance Audio; MP3 Una edition (March 1, 2015)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 150121733XISBN-13: 978-1501217333 Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.5 x 6.8 inches Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Best Sellers Rank: #397,831 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #457 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Mood Disorders #530 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Depression #848 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Psychology & Counseling > Neuropsychology
I don’t want to make any unscientific claims here, but I’ve found that a lot of the people I know who are depressed are also pretty smart. Which means that self-help books by celebrity rehab graduates and costumed spiritual gurus aren’t going to be of any help. Another unscientific conjecture: in my experience, depressives tend to have finely tuned aesthetic sensibilities, which means reading clunky technical literature is a daunting challenge, particularly through the fog of one’s symptoms.

The Upward Spiral stands out from the pack for three significant reasons:
1. It’s based in evidence.
This book isn’t made up of snake oil panaceas, or Hallmark platitudes, or overblown pep-talk rhetoric. It’s built on a foundation of clinical trials and observations of the brain, as up-to-date with contemporary neuroscience as possible.
2. It reads well.
The problem with writing based on scientific evidence often ends up being that the prose is dry and boring, or patronizingly dumbed-down, or frustratingly abstract. Korb is no Adam Phillips, but he writes about the structure and function of the brain more clearly than anyone else I’ve read in the past, frequently deploying effective analogies to familiar objects and ideas.
3. It includes advice.
Another problem with some science-based texts is that knowing what synapses fire at what time doesn’t really help you figure out what to do outside your skull. Korb gives a suggestion on practically every page.

This book isn’t going to cure you. It addresses a specific aspect of depression: the way symptoms reinforce themselves and inspire new ones, resulting in the downward spiral that drags you down to your deepest depths.

The Upward Spiral Using Neuroscience to Reverse The Upward Spiral Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression One Small Change at a Time MP3 CD Audiobook MP3 Audio Unabridged The Upward Spiral Using Neuroscience to Reverse Buy The Upward Spiral Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression One Small Change at a Time by Alex Korb David DeVries ISBN 0889290375155 The Upward Spiral Using Neuroscience to Reverse The Upward Spiral Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression One Small Change at a Time by Alex Korb PhD Unabridged MP3 Audio Book

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Worldmaking: The Art and Science of American Diplomacy Kindle Edition

Worldmaking: The Art and Science of American Diplomacy Kindle Edition
Author: Visit ‘s David Milne Page ID: B00VE7D7GC

File Size: 1404 KBPrint Length: 625 pagesPage Numbers Source ISBN: 0374292566Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (September 22, 2015)Publication Date: September 22, 2015 Sold by: Macmillan Language: EnglishID: B00VE7D7GCText-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: EnabledLending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #91,052 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > International & World Politics > Diplomacy #73 in Books > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > International & World Politics > Diplomacy #97 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Science & Medicine > Political Science

Mine’s book uses deep analysis of the thinking of representative American foreign policymakers and public from the 1890s (Alfred Thayer Mahan) to the present (Barack Obama) to unravel the tangled threads of ideas and concepts that animated US responses to international crises from the war with Spain to the advent of ISIS. He points how their successes and failures have created analogies to later situations that policymakers used to help frame their recommendations–sometimes successfully, often not so much. From all this Milne concludes that Obama’s "pragmatic realism" and it’s attendant rejection of grand strategy is the best approach for securing American national interests and moral values in today’s uncertain world, not least because it lacks the power and capacity to create a new world order in its own image.

Neocons and believers in American exceptionalism will dislike this book intensely. But they will not find it easy, if they remain true to the historical record rather than twist it to ideological purposes, to refute its arguments. An outstanding book and a must-read for students and practitioners of foreign policymaking.

Excellent book, recommend to anyone wanting a starting point in understanding the art/science of our 20th century interaction with the rest of the world.
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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bird Box

Bird Box: A Novel Audio CD – Audiobook, CD
Author: Visit ‘s Josh Malerman Page ID: 1483004368

From Booklist

Malorie, a young mother of two children known simply as Boy and Girl, is a survivor living in a postapocalyptic world, raising her children to use all their senses, especially their listening skills, as sight is not an option here. In this world, the survivors struggle to stay alive by living indoors with all the windows boarded up. The sight of whatever is outside is causing people to become violent murderers, as well as suicidal, in the most horrific ways possible. The book moves back and forth over a four-year period when all the insanity began, exploring the personalities of the people that came together and survived and how they managed to live after all forms of communication effectively withered and died with most of the population. The characters are involving, the story moves along very rapidly as the suspense builds, but unfortunately, the ending is a disappointment. The reason for all the bloodshed is never explored or explained. Still, recommend this one to readers who enjoy a blend of horror and postapocalyptic fiction. –Stacy Alesi

–This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


“A book that demands to be read in a single sitting, and through the cracks between one’s fingers. There has never been a horror story quite like this. Josh Malerman truly delivers.” (—Hugh Howey, New York Times bestselling author of Wool)

“This completely compelling novel contains a thousand subtle touches but no mere flourishes-it is so well, so efficiently, so directly written I read it with real admiration. Josh Malerman does the job like a fast-talking, wised-up angel.” -Peter Straub (—Peter Straub)

“[A] chilling debut… Malerman…keeps us tinglingly on edge with his cool, merciless storytelling [and] douses his tale in poetic gloom….An unsettling thriller, this earns comparisons to Hitchcock’s The Birds, as well as the finer efforts of Stephen King and cult sci-fi fantasist Jonathan Carroll.” (—Kirkus Reviews (starred review))

“The author uses understatement and allusion to create a lean, spellbinding thriller that Stephen King fans will relish.” (—Publishers Weekly (starred review))

–This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

See all Editorial Reviews

Audio CD: 1 pagesPublisher: HarperCollins Audio and Blackstone Audio; Unabridged edition (May 13, 2014)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1483004368ISBN-13: 978-1483004365 Product Dimensions: 1 x 5.5 x 5.8 inches Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Best Sellers Rank: #1,773,536 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #317 in Books > Books on CD > Horror #5506 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Unabridged #5956 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Post-Apocalyptic
This book was recommended to me by a friend who apparently knows me better than I know myself. I don’t usually read speculative fiction, as I generally like my trash a little more grounded in reality, which is to say, even the horrors of the night won’t keep us all away from Facebook. As such, post-apocalyptic stuff usually doesn’t interest me. I mean, there are only so many ways to tell the story of “we have to rebuild civilization while protecting ourselves from whatever destroyed it”, right?

Bird Box is the same, but catchier. It opens with a woman named Malorie waking up and deciding that today is the day she will row twenty miles down a river, blindfolded, with her two young children, to try to reach other survivors. And that’s when I said “wait, hold up. Twenty miles to where? Why blindfolded? Survivors of what?” And just like that, Josh Malerman got me.

It all begins five years before, in the present day, somewhere in Russia. A couple of guys are in a car, the passenger asks the driver to pull over, then viciously and gruesomely murders him and kills himself. It’s a weird anomaly, like the guy who ate the other guy’s face in Florida a while back. Normally, a story like that would hit the news, then fade. But before long, there are many more such stories that all end the same way – with the perpetrator killing themselves before anyone can find out why. And as the events spread to the US, there are more and more paranoid theories, and fewer and fewer people to repeat them. The only constant is that the people who have been driven mad have opened their eyes outside.

Malorie has just found out she is pregnant when she loses her sister, parents, and everyone else she has known.
Is what you can imagine in your mind as a reader more horrifying than anything a writer can show you in a story? That’s the narrative trick that cranks the horror in Josh Malerman’s Bird Box. But it just didn’t work for me. I finished the book, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

The story takes place on two levels. The present-day story follows Malorie, a young mother with two small children, who are hiding in a house in the woods outside Detroit. We learn that the outside world is dangerous. Something happened, something is roaming the streets. It is so terrifying that just one glance at it with your eyes drives you into a murderous rage. Malorie takes defensive measures: blindfolds. She wears them. She makes her kids wear them. Over the last four years Malorie has been getting ready to leave their hideaway house, training her kids to rely on their hearing, teaching them to stay calm when they hear unfamiliar things. A safe haven exists somewhere. To reach it they must travel by boat on the river—and elude whatever it is prowling outside.

The second story, told in flashbacks, tells the origins of how Malorie and her kids end up where they are. We learn how the chaos began, how it unfolded, and how the insanity spread. Malorie was pregnant when things started going south. She found refuge with fellow survivors, though their little post-apocalyptic bastion soon falls apart, succumbing to dwindling resources, desperation, cabin fever, and the creeping fear of what’s outside.

Taking away our sense of sight, the author asks us to grope along with the characters. It’s amazing how much we rely on what we ‘see’ in fiction to propel us through a story.
In all honesty, when this book first came to my attention, I didn’t quite know what to expect because there was very little information available. In my mind, given the cover and title, I was thinking it would be something along the lines of a retelling of Hitchcock’s The Birds. It is not. What it is, is a well-written, bleak, frightening, tragic, and utterly suspenseful read that (pardon the pun) flies by when you begin reading it.

The first reports originate in Russia and then the phenomenon spreads rapidly: there is something outside that, once someone sees it, causes the mind to totally – and violently – snap, leading without fail to murder and/or suicide. Malorie, the main character, finds out she’s pregnant at the beginning of these events, and the story unfolds mostly from her perspective in a non-linear fashion: the tale begins after the world has been plunged into this nightmare for five years, and then alternates as Malorie remembers its origins and all of the major occurrences she experienced in the intervening years. Sometimes, the timeline is broken up in different chapters; sometimes, the first sentence of a chapter is in present time, and then immediately plunges into the past. It can be confusing, but on the plus side, this method of storytelling does lend itself very well to creating a story that is all about suspense and disorientation.

Her memories include her interactions with a small group of survivors, and it is those remembrances that give us insight into how the human psyche reacts in times of extreme stress and horror: there are those who step up and become leaders, those who follow along, and those who cunningly manipulate the more fragile minds.
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